Scott My Farms


Corporate Sustainability

Scott Farms: Where Tradition Meets Innovation in Agriculture

Sustainable Farming Practices

Innovatively blending tradition with sustainability for healthier crops.

Community and Environmental Stewardship

Actively nurturing our community and the environment we share.

Transparent and Ethical Operations

Upholding integrity and transparency in every aspect of our work.

Cocoa Love

Sustainable Farming: Our Core Principle

As a family-run farm specializing in kola nuts, Onion Nuts, and Cocoa, we understand the impact of our actions on the environment. Our commitment to sustainable agriculture is evident in every aspect of our operations, from the seeds we sow to the methods we use to nurture our crops.

Integrating Sustainability into Every Step

We align our practices with both national and international standards, ensuring transparency, ethics, and integrity in all we do. This approach not only sets us apart in the market but also allows us to make a positive, long-term impact in the world of agribusiness.

Living Our Values

Our Pillars of Sustainability

Utilizing techniques that support the earth and yield healthier crops.

Investing in the growth and prosperity of our local communities.

Continually seeking ways to reduce our environmental footprint.

Ensuring a safe, fair, and enriching workplace for our team.

Upholding the highest standards for the health and satisfaction of our customers.

Corporate Policies and Ethical Conduct
At Scott Farms, our corporate policies and code of ethics reflect our dedication to sustainability. We believe in responsible stewardship of the land and fostering a culture of respect and integrity.

Reporting Our Progress
Transparency is key to our operations. Our sustainability reports provide insights into our efforts and achievements in sustainable farming and corporate responsibility, showcasing our commitment to making a difference for our planet and its people.